Monday, October 25, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
명령 처리에 사용할 서버 저장공간이 부족합니다.
- 시작을 누르고 실행을 누릅니다.
- regedit를 입력한 다음 확인을 누릅니다.
- 아래 키로 이동합니다.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters
- 오른쪽 창에서 IRPStackSize 값을 두 번 누릅니다.
참고: IRPStackSize 값이 아직 없을 경우 다음 절차를 사용하여 값을 만듭니다.- 레지스트리의 Parameters 폴더에서 오른쪽 창을 마우스 오른쪽 단추로 누릅니다.
- 새로 만들기를 가리킨 다음 DWord 값을 누릅니다.
- IRPStackSize를 입력합니다.
중요: 값 이름은 대/소문자를 구분하므로 표시되는 대로 "IRPStackSize"를 정확하게 입력합니다.
- 단위를 10진수로 변경합니다.
- 값 데이터 상자에 나열된 값보다 큰 값을 입력합니다.
4단계에서 설명한 절차를 사용하여 IRPStackSize 값을 만든 경우 기본값은 15입니다. 값을 3씩 늘리는 것이 좋습니다. 따라서 이전 값이 11이었으면 14를 입력한 다음 확인을 누릅니다. - 레지스트리 편집기를 닫습니다.
- 컴퓨터를 다시 시작합니다.
Windows NT 4.0을 실행 중이고 앞의 절차를 완료한 후에도 문제가 지속되는 경우 Windows NT 서비스 팩 4 또는 서비스 팩 5를 적용해야 할 수 있습니다.
추가 정보
Windows 2000에서 IRPStackSize의 기본값은 15이며 범위는 11부터 50까지입니다. Windows XP에서IRPStackSize의 기본값은 15이며 범위는 11부터 50까지입니다.
참고: Microsoft Windows Server 2003의 기본값 및 범위는 Windows XP의 기본값 및 범위와 같습니다. 자세한 내용은 Microsoft 기술 자료의 다음 문서를 참조하십시오.
IRPStackSize에 대한 자세한 내용은 Microsoft 기술 자료의 다음 문서를 참조하십시오.
이 문서에 포함된 다른 공급업체의 연락처 정보는 기술 지원을 받는 데 도움을 주기 위한 것입니다. 이 연락처 정보는 예고 없이 변경될 수 있습니다. Microsoft는 이러한 다른 공급업체 연락처 정보의 정확성을 보증하지 않습니다.
이 문서에 나와 있는 다른 공급업체 제품은 Microsoft와 무관한 회사에서 제조한 것입니다. Microsoft는 이들 제품의 성능이나 신뢰성에 관하여 명시적이든 묵시적이든 어떠한 보증도 하지 않습니다.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Containers, Blocks, and Iterators
Category Ruby, Programming
Containers are objects that hold references to one or more other objects.
A Ruby array holds a collection of object references identified by a non-negative integer index.
In an array class, [] is a method which accesses elements by index.
def [] (key)
if key.kind_of? (Integer)
result = @songs[key]
for I in 0…@songs.length
result = @songs[i] if key ==
return result
Compared with arrays, hashes have one significant advantage: they can use any type of object as an index. However, they also have a significant disadvantage: their elements are not ordered, so you cannot use a hash as a stack or queue.
Blocks and Iterators
A better way of the [] mehtod:
def [] (key)
return @songs[key] if key.kind_of?(Integer)
return @songs.find { |aSong| == key }
An iterator is a method that invokes a block of code repeatedly.
The uses of a block
A block is often the target of an iterator.
A block can be used to define a chunk of code that must run under some kind of transactional control.
class File
def File.openAndProcess(*args)
f =*args)
yield f
File.openAndProcess("textfile", "r") do |aFile|
print while aFile.gets
In this way, the responsibility of closing an open file has been passed from the user of the file object to the file themselves.
The do…end block has lower precedence than {...}.
The method Kernel::block_given? returns true if a block is associated with the current method.
If the last parameter in a method definition is prefixed with an ampersand, Ruby looks for a code block whenever the method is called. The code block is converted to an object of class Proc and assigned to the parameter.
What is closure in a programming language?
find, each, and collect
All the each iterator does is yield successive element of its collection.
In the collect iterator, the results returned by the block are used to construct a new array.
Programming in Ruby
Ruby is an genuine object-oriented language, meaning every thing in Ruby is an object or a class that is a combination of instance variables and instance methods.
"gin joint".length |
| 9 |
"Rick".index('c') |
| 2 |
-123.abs |
| 123 |
The difference between a single quote literal and a double quote literal is how much Ruby processes it when it gets created.
A double quote literal looks for substitutes for an escape sequence and # (…) constructs.
The value returned by Ruby method is the value of the last expression evaluated, so don't need a return.
Ruby conventions:
A variable starts with a lower case ==> local variable
A variable or name starts with an upper case ==> class name, module name, or constant variable
A variable starts with $ ==> global variable
A variable starts with @ ==> instance variable
A variable starts with @@ ==> class variable
Arrays and Hashes
Both are index collections and can take any mixed type of objects. The only difference between them is arrays' indexes must be integer whereas hashes indexes can be any kind of objects.
array =
array = []
array = [1, 'K', 'It's a string', 3.14]
array = %w[cat dog apple]
hash =
hash =
hash = {0 => 'cat', 'dog' => 'bark', 9 => -9}
Control Structures
Statement modifiers
puts "Ich liebe dich" if myLove == herLove
puts "love me only" while myAge < 1000
Regular Expression
As you expect, regular expressions are objects in Ruby. The match operator =~ returns the position it first found or nil if not found.
individuated s yy:mm:dd 1P(erllython)l e Perl or Python
'Ruby of *Peril x Ruby and zero or one move character and Perl
(Ruby 1st Perl/ 4 Ruby and one or move white space and Perl
if line =~ (perl python
puts " You got me."
pos = sub (lperll, 'ruby') H replace first perl with ruby
pos = grubs (Python.' Ruby) * replace every Python with Ruby
Blocks and Iterators
Code blocks are chunks of code that you can associate with method invocations. Chunks of code are between braces or 'do … end'. Once you've created a block, you can associate it with a call to a method. You might be better off thinking of the block and the method as coroutines, which transfer control back and forth between themselves.
Reading and 'Riting
The gets routine has a side effect; as well as returning the last line read, it also stores the last line into the global variable $_.
while gets
if /Ruby/
ARGF represents a stream input.
ARGF.each { |line| print line unless line =~ /ruby/ }
Classes, Objects, and Variables
class - how to declare, define, create,
To create a new class object, invoke the new method of the class. calls the class' initialize method to set up the class' internal state.
class Song
def initialize(name, artist, duration)
@name = name
@artist = artist
@duration = duration
aSong ='Let it be', 'The Beatles', 310)
The inspect message dumps a object's id and instance variables. While the message's default formatting leaves something to be desired, the to_s message can be overridden.
Inheritance and Messages
Inheritance allows you to create a class that is a refinement or specialization of another class. The less than character(<) lets you inherit from another class. Make sure that you override the initialize method and the to_s method properly. You may not want a subclass directly to access the instance variables of its super class to set up because it couples between them; that's a bad programming style. Rather, use super in the subclass for decoupling.
Inheritance and Mixins
Multiple inheritance can be dangerous since the inheritance hierarchy can become ambiguous. In real life, however, things often inherit attributes from multiple sources. A Ruby class can only have a single direct parent, but Ruby has a technique called Mixins to provide a multiple-inheritance-like functionality.
Objects and Attributes
An object is solely responsible for maintaining its own consistency. Ruby provides a convenient way of creating getters and setters.
class Song
attr_reader :name, :artist, :duration
attr_writer :name, :artist, :duration
Virtual Attributes
Use attribute methods to create a virtual instance variable that seems like a real instance variable to outside of the world.
class Song
def durationInMinute
@duratoin / 60.0
def durationInMinute=(value)
@duration = (value * 60).to_i
The setter here is like an operator overloading in C++. Type casting is different from C-like languages. Ruby deals everything as an object, even a number, so Ruby provides the to_i method for type casting.
In his landmark book Object-Oriented Software Construction , Bertrand Meyer calls this the Uniform Access Principle. By hiding the difference between instance variables and calculated values, you are shielding the rest of the world from the implementation of your class. You're free to change how things work in the future without impacting the millions of lines of code that use your class. This is a big win.
Class Variables and Class Methods
class Song
@@plays = 0 # a class variable
MaxPlays = 50 # a class constant variable
def Song.initPlays
@@plays = 0
For class variables, by convention, Ruby puts @@ in front of a class variable name.
Singletons and Other Constructors
A singleton is an object that is singly created from a class.
class Logger
private_class_method = new
@@logger = nil
def Logger.create
@@logger = new unless @@logger
The Logger class can not be created by the conventional way using the new method. Also class methods can be used as pseudo-constructors.
Access Control
- Public methods can be called by anyone---there is no access control. Methods are public by default (except for initialize, which is always private).
- Protected methods can be invoked only by objects of the defining class and its subclasses. Access is kept within the family.
- Private methods cannot be called with an explicit receiver. Because you cannot specify an object when using them, private methods can be called only in the defining class and by direct descendents within that same object.
What does it mean by direct descendents?
If a method is protected, it may be called by any instance of the defining class or its subclasses. If a method is private, it may be called only within the context of the calling object---it is never possible to access another object's private methods directly, even if the object is of the same class as the caller.
Access control is determined dynamically, as the program runs, not statically.