
Monday, January 28, 2008

Getting strat PostgreSQL 8.2.6

Settings for PostgreSQL in Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)

1. create user
$ su -
# su - postgres
$ createuser husylvan
$ su - husylvan

2. create cluster
$ sudo pg_createcluster -u husylvan -d ~/pgdata 8.2 pgdata

*Configuration files(postgresql.conf, pg_hba.conf, and pg_ident.conf) are in /etc/postgresql/8.2/pgdata/

3. start PostgreSQL server
$ pg_ctlcluster 8.2 pgdata start

4. create database
$ createdb mydb

5. start PostgreSQL interactive terminal
$ psql mydb

* commands introduced by TA are in /usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/bin
** for ruby on rails
$ sudo gem install ruby-postgres -- --with-pgsql-include-dir=/usr/include/postgresql --with-pgsql-lib-dir=/usr/lib/postgresql/8.2/lib

Settings for PostgreSQL in Mac OS

1. download PostgreSQL 8.2.5 for Mac OS

2. install server only
double click PostgreSQL.mpkg in Server folder

3. it will be installed in /Library/PostgreSQL8

4. change postgres account password
sudo passwd postgres

5. create my account role in the db
su -m postgres -c 'createuser Hwal'

6. create db using Create Database icon in Applications/PostgreSQL folder

# for ruby on rails
$sudo gem install ruby-postgres -- \
--with-pgsql-include-dir=/Library/PostgreSQL8/include \

## other way (not recommended)
$ initdb -D ~/Documents/ClassDocs/cs186/pgdata
$ pg_ctl -D ~/Documents/ClassDocs/cs186/pgdata start
$ createdb depot_development
$ psql depot_development
% CREATE TABLE countries (
name char(20),
latitude int,
longitude int,
area int,
population int,
gdp int,
gdpYear int);

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